“Play like dreams serves the function of self realization.”

Donald Woods Winnicott

“It is a joy to be hidden, and disaster not to be found.”

— Donald Woods Winnicott

Τhe Magical world of Hampstead Heath

We all should be so lucky as to play with fairies

— Beatrix Potter

I sleep like a Fairy in my cozy little nest

Butterfly Bears, Αρκουδοπεταλούδες

Meditating and explore her own subconscious ocean

Imagine a space where your feelings can fly freely

Swimming is flying in the sea….

Dreamy Whales, Mixed Techniques, acrylics on oils and pastels

Dolphins or birds inside caring your thoughts and dance with the vibes of life

Little family group of exotic fishes forming naturally a heart.

Seems that the little fishes in our heart know always the good direction to take and as silent they might be, should just feel their movement and trust it.

There are times when those little fishes fight and want to take contrary ways. We feel confused and lost on our choices, but then we realise that they still create united a form that it is appearing to show us alternative directions and possibilities. This new form might not encourage us to take a specific direction in our life's, but just stay there and dance and be curious and explore deeper the seas we are already into.

I wish you all though this harmony and calm time to time when all your little fishes made peace and makes your heart knowing exactly where it wants to go.

this little handmade art lucky charm necklace is made by polymer clay, and it is painted by acrylics in blue and gold.

Varnished ecoresponsibly and with a solid attach.

Enchanted turtle, exploring the universe with her past and her future

Look at the birds ! They are wise…my grandfather used to say

Birds flying high, you know how I feel, Mountains touch the sky and hearts start to heal…

I flew until you to offer you my wings.

Tied to your neck, I could listen to your heart’s deepest desires, better than anyone else,

I want to see you free with an inner fire, that would be my happiness.

The elves rode on their snow white geese ready for their long journey.

The lake was adorned with a necklace of white pearls

ready to be scattered in the sky, following the moonlight guide.

A snowball flutters, soft as a caress, light as a feather, something whispered in my ear. A little Spring in the Winter.

I was born from a fairy’s tear. That of bittersweet joy,

a tear of gratitude for something beautiful that passed and curled in the memory of the heart.

And then, it seemed to me to have fallen from a crystal nest, light as a feather. It was my first dance.

The wind, gently left me on a palm, whispered to me that I would bring the light of wisdom and calm.

Wisdom was her magic…

She was looking after diamonds but…discovered the stars.

Forest of light blue dreams…

Attention ! Fragile…

Like water with circles provoked by something falling but also a fingerprint.

Hands are coming out of an urge to save (the children, humanity,. innocence) either drowning in the water and seeking help. The children, representing different cultures each, play, exist, create their existence, climb, hope. In their carefreeness and innocence, there is despair. Their colors are vivid and cheerful, their form, their posture, even their most natural and positive expressions reveal some awkwardness when viewed from the "real" environment perspective - a peculiar balance and stillness. Some are very present and dedicated to the play, but not all of them have the ability to play. Are they praying? Are they thinking? They just exist. 

The very hands themselves are a map of existence, faintly visible. Gold accentuates their "placement" - their lives and dreams are always above the gold. Red wounds. If we scratch the canvas, the first layer, which is bloody red, might be revealed. Then an olive green, slightly blue, and gray. Red wounds in the air like birds' blood (painting) splatters breaking the dreamlike state. One child doesn't have gold underneath. His face isn't visible. He's desperately held by a finger. He doesn't climb. He clings. There are blood splatters around. This child without a face doesn't live. He tries to remain in memory.

The hands are my anger, my desperation to stop something. To save something. At the same time, they are an appeal for help from my soul. From my childhood soul. It's a big stop, a big no. However, it accepts the world with open hands filled with many forms of consciousness. Hands that get lost or are revealed. Hands that create. Protect and are protected. That stop. That push. Hands with a soul. imprints, the memory of my hands, adult hands. Hands that somewhere, sometime, felt something, created something, said something, and perhaps someone will see them and something inside them will respond.

‘‘Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art, like the universe itself…It has no survival value ; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.

—C.S Lewis

As the ice resonates sweetly, like a touching cry coming from a nest, it reflects the ephemeral and it’s ‘‘why’’.

Two glossy figures, Mom with her baby, are getting ready to celebrate hope before last goodbye.

In a little while, the sky will offer them a star and maybe a hand will be gived to them by far, before the sunrise erase their smile.

"She decided that she was a mermaid. Since she could not fly high on the sky she would fly deep in the music of the sea in this empty shell she called "her nest".

She was living on a golden net, but her dreams where never trapped. Only her could see farther than the horizon". All her secrets are hiding inside those pearly eggs. You see.Once they will be ready they will sing the life better than the sea..."

He knew that he was not belonging there. But his heart was beating to the rhythm of the sea.

And somehow he found in a shell a place to call home...

"So different and so alike, the grew up together, in the same shell. Although, each own had his own magical bubble of newborns thoughts and dreams. A little bit of white snow in the warm sand that was not melting, some magic in the marine air and the Christmas songs plays by a band of shells. That was what they shared."

A tiny manta ray stole the whole ocean and hides it in a shell to offer it to the futur ...now it can fly like a butterfly in between the bubbles ...

A fairytale night, under the moonlight, the fireflies danced and the stars sang hope…

They were flying to infinity, yhere, from where fairytales are born

Enchanted City, Mixed techniques on canvas

Snow was tasting sweet this evening, stars where laughing like millions cristal bells, and hearts where enrolled in cashemere

He looked at me in soothing silence, as if he knew a part of me that I was unaware of.

And suddenly everything seemed natural and familiar to me. Even those liliputian figures who played with the warmth of his fur.

And why sleep when life looks like a dream ?

It is snowing stardust, which covers me warmly, and the snow looks like a crumpled sheet. The eyes slowly close and finally see the secrets that the day does not reveal.

They sailed, caressing waters of cashemire. Two fluffy balls on the last powdered donut that the heat envys by the eternal hunger of man.

It was snowing feathers that day. The clouds were motionless, frozen, dreaming with a smile as the sun warmed their backs.

They had painted the sky white so as not to let him pass, since they melted from love for those babies who wanted to keep grow with us.

I make a wish so that all innocent creatures in this world can embrace peacefully their right to leave properly in their own environment art can not save itself the world but it can reveal the sens and the beauty of it, it can touch other hearts and sensibilities, and as something useless pushing humanity and consciousness farther, but he strength of feelings and emotions from reminding that it is still Worthing to not give up our battles to continue to defend our values and enjoy those small details that are making our day and are making us feeling good and to be good.

Be yourself so that I can love YOU

Where the white and blue got married under the sun and wind dance though olive trees

Houses whiter than snow, inhabited by a warm golden light, they daze the sun.

The sea quarrels with the wind, Gling glang, seashells like mary bells, Soft majestic footprints in the deserted little alleys,

A so loved Pelican, leaves at every door from which love reasons, a festive secret.

And like if we heard a kind laugh...

Polymeric clay sculptures lucky charms

Mixed techniaues, oil, acrylics, collage, Paros island stones and needle felted sails (Merinos wool)

Niddle Felting (Merinos wool) on Canvas, collage, mixed techniaues and materials

Going through the blue horizons !

Can you even reach a horizon in order to cross it ? Where are the borders in between your "here" and your "there"? Your vision of reality and the one of your fantasy? What's the existence of an horizon for?

Before the Sunrise…

‘‘Il est possible que vous soyez en ‘train de rencontrer votre destin’’

Avant que les ‘‘cygnes’’ se déposent au fond du sens.

Sunset in Spring, promises about a Summer that’s velvet pink…

Dream House, Greek Cottage

Cold Spring, Aprile’s joke, Chicken in the Kitchen just woke. It is a strange day tomorrow…and with a voice that is silken starts to sing ‘‘should I stay or should I go…’’

What about a ‘‘gossip session’’ where you can only speak well about the missing ones ?

The human world can turn into hell time to time. But nature always hides endless paradises. In human nature we can still have hope to find sunrise after each sunset of humanity. By embracing art an d nature we can see and feel it.

His dreams where green like his reality, he could not imagine a colour for the sky. Maybe green, so that he can run freely on it. He already ate the other colours and he stills very hangry.

He dreamed that he was a bird, he sang like a bird, he lived like a bird. One day he will flight with a feather heart.

Ro, My little lamb adventures

Lost in a dream of a safe forest

Niddle Felting and Clay Sculpture

Animal friendly Merinos and greek local sheeps wool, needle felted with love

Petals falling on the ground. They smell the promise of a magical season. Do you hear the sound ? Little rabbit, open your eyes, you have a good reason. Hope and happiness are waiting to be found.

The last snow is warm like fluff. It belongs to the spring. It has pink tinted cheecks and a sunny smile. Butterflies inside its belly keeps it alive. Holds the memory of childhood like a forgotten teddy bear that blinks you an eye.

Strange bird in an ordinary dream


Polar Love….

Edelweiss flowers in the Austrian mountains

Hamdmade natural colour pigments, Acrylics, oil pastels and gouache on handmade paper.

Crocus Kozanis ( Greek Safran), painted with handmade colour pigments from organic greek safran Kozani’s, gouache and acrylics

Relax, It’s just Magic

They escaped from the story to enjoy their love far from drama

With Swarovski crystals, merinos felted wool, clay, hard shiny paper, wood and coton

In the beginning everything was just an abstract idea

Make it stand out